Under the rim seat


Devoted pig boy offers his skilled human toilet services.

6 thoughts on “Under the rim seat

  1. This is a great video, the only thing that could make it better would being able to watch the eater stroking his cock while being fed, and eating the feeders shit! πŸ‘ΏπŸ–€πŸ·πŸ‘ƒπŸ‘…πŸ’©πŸ•³

  2. I’ll worship you SIR! Swallow every last morsel, that’s a promise!
    I’m so hungry. someone, ANYONE please feed me. Age, race, looks, and body type important. All that is needed is a desire that feed me your shit.
    Available for groups and frat parties.
    Dean 561-252-3982

  3. Oh yes! me next please SIR!! I’ll eat it all and clean your ass when you’re done!
    YOUR turd looks absolutely delicious and i’d be honored to eat and swallow every last morsel for YOU.
    This feeder or ANYONE who would like to feed me, Please call or text ASAP so we can arrange it.
    Dean 561-252-3982

  4. That is such a loving shit eater there gently teasing the logs from the top – an awesome clip this and makes me want to do this so bad….. He shows us all how awesome it is to eat that feeders shit xxx

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