Practice makes a perfect pig


Experienced toilet clearly knows how to accept and swallow his feeder’s shit.

5 thoughts on “Practice makes a perfect pig

  1. What a PERFECT FEEDER! Beautiful shit, easy to eat and he offers a full meal. i wish he’d contact me. I’ll also eat every last bit.
    Dean 561-252-3982

  2. Why is it so damn hard to find a feeder here in South Florida?
    if you’re a feeder looking for a zero self respect eater/toilet then give me a call or message, and let’s make a plan
    Dean 561-252-3982

  3. I’ll worship you SIR! Swallow every last morsel, that’s a promise!
    I’m so hungry. someone, ANYONE please feed me. Age, race, looks, and body type not important. All that is needed is a desire to feed me your shit.
    Available for individuals, groups, buddies, brothers, and frat parties.
    Dean 561-252-3982

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